Core Team
The ERGP core manages the center's operations.

Dan serves the University of Calgary and School of Public Policy as Director of the Extractive Resource Governance Program, Centre for Regulatory Governance Policy, and as Scientific Director of the Financial Markets Regulation Program. Dan also is the Chair in Business Law and Regulation and an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Law. Dan currently teaches in the areas of securities, corporate finance, corporate law and property law.
Dan returned to academia after an extensive career as a corporate lawyer, senior business executive and serial entrepreneur. Dan previously served as a law clerk to G.V. La Forest in the Supreme Court of Canada, an associate in a national law firm, a partner in a Calgary-based corporate law boutique, President of two junior public technology companies, an executive in a variety of multinational businesses, and co-founder of several start-up business ventures.
Dan has traveled more than 2.5 million miles to over 80 countries, and though now focused primarily on his teaching, research, and administrative obligations within academia, he continues to advise select start-up and growth-stage companies on business and legal issues. He is also the author of a variety of peer-reviewed articles in the area of financial regulation and of the annual reference text Alberta Annotated Securities Legislation published by Lexis/Nexis.

Freddy Cáceres (Bsc. Biological Sciences, Bachelor of Applied Technology in GIS, a MSc Energy and Environment, a Master’s in Safety and Work Risk Prevention, a Certificate in Integrated Management: Quality, Environment and Social Responsibility; and an Engineering degree in Environmental Management) is a biologist and professional engineer with over 25 years of experience working on environmental and social sustainability through the integration of environmental sciences, social responsibility, health & safety and cultural aspects in project and business management systems. He has been the founder and CEO of an environmental consulting firm and has 15 years of experience in ESIAs for energy, mining, infrastructure, water supply, sanitation, agriculture, urban and rural development, education and health sectors, including environmental impact assessment, management plans, OH&S, emergency preparedness, hazardous waste, and environmental monitoring and audit. He has relevant related experience in Canada, Ecuador, and other countries in Latin America and Africa. He has extensive work experience with the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework, particularly with Environmental and Social standards, based on the IFC ES Performance Standards.
Alem Cherinet

Alem Cherinet (BAs University of Calgary; MA University of Calgary) is the ERGP Senior Advisor for Strategic Development and International Affairs. A governance practitioner with nearly two decades in advising, project building, and organizational development, her work is distinguished by a commitment to strategy, interdisciplinary collaboration, and diplomatic expertise. Alem specializes in complex governance and conflict, identifying and leveraging critical problem-solving mechanisms. She is recognized for specialities in brokering, negotiation, and significant contributions to enhancing governance structures, achieving high-impact organizational outcomes. A Political Scientist with undergraduate degrees in International Relations and Latin American Studies, in resource governance Alem's work is international and focuses on policy, research, capacity-building, and leading cross-functional teams.
Alem is Chair of the School of Public Policy Engagement Committee, a member of the Canada-Mexico Chamber of Commerce (CANCHAM), an Affiliate of the Rethinking Latin American Studies from the South (RLASS) working group, a former resident of the University of Calgary Latin American Research Centre, and an organizational consultant.

John P. Hayes (BA Hons.University of British Columbia; MA York University) is the ERGP Research Coordinator. He is currently a PhD candidate (ABD) in Political Science at McMaster University, specializing in comparative public policy and international relations. He is also a research affiliate of the Development Studies Department at the Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, México. John is a SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholar (2019-2022) and a recipient of the International Development Research Centre’s doctoral award (2020), which has supported his research on the Mexican mining industry. His doctoral thesis examines the multistakeholder dynamics of Mexican federal policy implementation related to natural resource governance in the democratic era (2000-present). His main policy areas of focus are fiscal governance, land and subsoil rights, and environmental regulation.

Erika McNeill (Social Work Diploma, Selkirk College) is the ERGP Operations Coordinator. Drawing from her background she works to ensure team members are well equipped with the resources and knowledge required to tackle their work. Erika provides guidance with the navigation of complex institutional systems and has lent administrative support for safety, human resources, finance, quality assurance, process development, project coordination, facilitation, and training activities in construction, oil and gas, adult education, and in various groups within the University of Calgary prior to joining the ERGP and the School of Public Policy.