

International | 2022

Assessment of Rehabilitated Limestone Quarries in Mombasa, Kenya

This case study shows that with adequate planning, rehabilitated limestone quarries can provide biodiversity conservation, sustainable land use activities, and sustainable cultural ecosystem services following mine closure.  

Research and Analysis
International | 2022

Interactions of Energy and Environmental Policy in Ecuador: the Implementation of Conservation Projects in the Extractive Frontier

In this piece of research, we examine the interaction between national energy and conservation policy in Ecuador. Using the case of the Waorani territory in the Amazon, the team evaluates the efficacy of sustainability and conservation initiatives under conditions of oil and gas extraction.

Research and Analysis
International | 2022

To Coerce, or Not to Coerce? Assessing State Strategies to Regulate Small-Scale and Artisanal Mining

This study contributes to resource politics and policy research by shedding light on an overlooked sector, artisanal and small-scale mining, and articulates the debate around its regulation in South America. 

Research and Analysis



Association for Petroleum and Geology (IPG)

Association for Petroleum and Geology (IPG)

  • The delegation delivered a presentation, which included an overview of the country, its petroleum resources, and challenges in the sector. The ERGP presented on its services.
Advising and Consultation



Environmental and Social Impacts of Mining Development

Pakistan Ministry of Energy & US Department of Commerce | 4-Day Workshop

  • Establishing an effective and independent upstream regulator in Pakistan. The workshop provided the delegation with an overview of the Canadian model of oil and gas regulatory systems and a comparison to the proposed structure in Pakistan.
  • Identified basic reforms that will be useful for increasing the attractiveness of the investment climate.
Training and Education


INDIA | 2017

India’s Directorate General of Hydrocarbons

India’s Directorate General of Hydrocarbons (Global Petroleum Show, Calgary, AB) received presentations and discussed the ERGP Certificate Course and emerging areas of interest and issues that India is facing, particularly in regulatory governance, unconventional development and enhanced oil recovery.

Advising and Consultation



Mongolia Ministry of Mineral Resources, Agriteam Consulting, and the Alberta International Development Office

Mongolia Ministry of Mineral Resources, Agriteam Consulting, and the Alberta International Development Office.

  • Presentations and discussion on topics including regulatory frameworks, unconventional resource regulation, and future partnership and collaboration.
Advising and Consultation

Regulatory Best Practices

Mongolian Energy Policymakers & US Department of Commerce | 7-Day Workshop

  • Lessons Learned from Oil and Gas Sector Developments in Canada
  • Challenges for Unconventional Oil and Gas Development Outside of the United States
  • Proposed Regulations and Mechanisms for Royalty and Tax Assessments on Unconventional Resources in Mongolia
  • Roundtable on Developing an Efficient and Transparent Oil and Gas Revenue Management System
  • Open Discussion of Priority Topics and Concerns
Training and Education



Corruption Eradication and Regulation

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), with support from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and Development’s Trade Commission Office in Indonesia and Alberta’s International Development Office

Introductory meeting with an overview of the School of Public Policy, the ERGP and the needs of the KPK and its affiliates from fiscal and wealth management through mineral tenure, structural and institutional energy market access and regulation, energy literacy and stakeholder engagement

Advising and Consultation

Strengthening Extractive Sector Management in Mongolia

In 2014, the School of Public Policy and ERGP agreed to be a supporting partner in an Agriteam Consulting Canada proposal to the federal government (DFAT-D) for the funding of a large development project in Mongolia related to extractive resource governance: Strengthening Extractive Sector Management in Mongolia (SESMIM).

  • Unconventional Resources Workshop and the Royalty Administration of Unconventional Production Sharing Contracts workshop.
  • Fiscal Module of ERGP Certificate Program
  • Thin Capitalization and Interest Deductibility Web-based Session
  • Public Engagement & Community Consultation Module of ERGP Certificate
  • Placements with Government of Alberta Agencies
  • Alberta SWF Workshop for Mongolian Decision Makers
  • Extractive Resource Governance Workshop
Training and Education Advising and Consultation Research and Analysis Conferences and Panels

Regulatory Practices

U.S. Department of State Energy Governance and Capacity Initiative, U.S. Department of the Interior, Papua New Guinean Energy and Environmental policymakers | 3-Day Workshop

  • Overview of the National Environmental Policy Act in the U.S.
  • Land-Use Planning
  • Principles of Environmental Analysis
  • Stakeholder/Tribal Consultation Prior to Development
  • Case Studies in Working Through Conflict
  • Environmental Analysis for Exploration and Production Permits
  • Best Management Practices,” “Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement/Inspection
Training and Education